Saturday, December 24, 2011

Point Arena

My last post was about San Francisco. This one is from farther up the California coast called Point Arena. There are something interesting things about Point Arena. This first thing is that Point Arena is the closest point on the continental United States to Hawaii. Personally I did not know that before, let alone about Point Arena. But the locals want everyone to know that it is the closest point to Hawaii. One of my favorite signs as we were nearing the light house was outside a little cafe which read, "Last cafe till Hawaii." That is a good bragging right you have to admit.

The second thing is that Point Arena has the highest lighthouse on the west coast. Wow! And when you go there you can go all the way to the top and get some great views! I did not get many shots of the lighthouse but I got many shots from the top of it. It was an important light house to in directing shipping. The Light house was rebuilt after it was damaged in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. It was damaged even though San Francisco is over 100 miles away. Never underestimate the power of mother nature. 

360 degree view from the top of the Point Arena Light House

Looking down the stairwell inside the Point Arena Light House
A pelican. Many would be at the level of the top of the light house or even below.
This is taken from the top of the lighthouse through a telescope.

The third point is that the movie Forever Young was filmed there. One thing from the movie that is still there is the gazebo. You can even go to the gazebo, walk around the area, have a picnic in the gazebo nearby if you would like. To drive in it cost us $10, but the money goes to the upkeep of the light house and grounds. That and it is worth every bit of it. Such a beautiful view from up there.

The gazebo.

Some of the local flora.

Some awesome trees just inland from the lighthouse. Panorama

Now for those of you that think photography is so easy I have this to say... the image below is the compilation of 52 photos I took. It took me more than 2 days to work out kinks, and get it presentable (though some of that is due to my computer) to get the panoramas you will see farther below. I just want you all to be able to catch a glimpse of the work involved and to be able to imagine how huge these things really are. This un-cropped version could be printed at high quality resolution and be 115 inches wide. Let that sink in. However I re-size my photos so I will have space to continue to show them all. I also do this for faster upload times for you.And so people will perhaps not steal my work for their gain.  :)

The 52 photo Panorama before copping, editing, adding things that aren't there, etc... but after having to make it all blended together after the computer took about an hour trying to put them together.

A long crop of the 52 photo panorama from atop the lighthouse looking inland.

Taller crop of the 52  photo panorama. Do you see things that were not there before?

Again the tall crop of the 52 photo panorama but with some things missing this time. You should be able to find at least some of the changes.

This is definitely a place I would suggest for you all to visit.  Enjoy these last photos. If you have questions please feel free to ask. (Ask about the CRAZIEST ROAD IN THE WORLD) If you have been here let me know what you thought of it.

My beautiful wife and the gazebo.

The beautiful wife with the light house in the background.

My beautiful wife and I decided to jump in too.

Another photo taken through a telescope from the top of the light house.